whose goal is to share metaphysical wisdom in order to help our listeners raise their spiritual consciousness.
For us, Metaphysical Mastery means not only hearing about the ancient wisdom
teachings but applying them to daily life. There is so much ageless knowledge,
information, that is a foundation for understanding who we are today and where we
are headed as a species. But it is how we use it in our everyday human life that
How does it guide you? Are you more open to seeing potentials and
Peggy Neligan
Peggy is Director of the Metaphysical Center in New Jersey and has taught their
13-level course of study several times.
Kate Neligan
Kate received her master's degree in
Spiritual Psychology then encouraged Peggy to follow in the program, so they
share the practical tools and practices in using the wisdom teachings.
“Meta“ means “beyond,” and metaphysics deals with that which lies beyond the
physical. It includes the physical but also that which cannot be perceived with only
the five senses. Metaphysics, then, is applied philosophy.
Metaphysical Mastery won’t offer all the answers, but it is a tool for thinking
through the big questions about humanity and the universe: who am I, what is my
purpose, where do I fit into the Universe, what is consciousness, what is the
Cosmic Source, is there free will, and what does all of this mean to me?
We hope this exploration each month on different topic will educate, enlighten,
and encourage your spiritual growth. There is an ancient esoteric saying: when the
student is ready, the teacher appears. We invite you to bring an open mind to the
teachings in Metaphysical Mastery and see if it resonates with your Soul.