Episode 1124 with Guest Jessica Arnatt
As an experienced Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl practitioner, Jessica Arnatt began her passionate journey into sound healing in 2014.
Through strong mentorship and regular practice, she has gained a profound understanding of how powerfully transformational sound can be, when combined with intention, to raise our vibration for a healthier state in the body, mind and soul. During a Sound Session our vibration rises, and it is important to understand that when we operate at a higher frequency, we shift the environment and the people around us just by existing. Jessica and Heather have teamed up for a next level experience combining the power of Aromatherapy and Sound together for an epic evening experience.
Heather Driedger
Heather Driedger is a certified and licensed health coach with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York. Along with her skills as an Alberta certified teacher and Angel Empowerment Practitioner she has enjoyed many years of empowering people and clients through her coaching, speaking, teaching and her book ‘Living Joy – Empowering Ways to Reduce and Manage Stress.’ She is deeply passionate about being an ‘Impact Advocate’ – a wellness advocate who share the doTERRA pursuit of positive impact; for those who use the oils and those who grow and distill the oils globally thru co-impact sourcing.