Joyce Benning

Episode 1171 with Guest Lidia Kuleshnyk

As a Renaissance Woman and founder of, Lidia Kuleshnyk (aka Lady Apona) brings together 30 years of passion, expertise and wisdom in pathways, for every stage of personal development, to help you live a Centered, Connected and Conscious™  Life. Lidia’s Apona Healing Ranch offers Equine-Assisted Therapy and Equine Healing Retreats to help you return to wholeness through heart-centered, transformational relationships with horses. Equine Healing Retreats are a powerful pathway to reclaim your health, regain your energy and refine your power

As a High Performance Wellness Coach, Lidia helps overworked, stressed-out, high achieving men and women master their inner power, manage their energy and stress and create their highest state of health. Spending time with horses in nature helps you de-stress and return to your center, allowing you to step into your power and become the conscious leader of your life and a conscious leader of the world. At Apona Healing Ranch, retreats are designed for your unique goals and needs, including private, group and corporate retreats.

Through her own incredible journey, starting at the age of 10, Lidia developed a deep relationship with horses, animals and nature. This connection helped her heal her chronic health conditions, master her inner power and reclaim her sovereignty.  Lidia now loves sharing her passion, vision and mission as a Thought Leader, 3 X Best Selling Author, Columnist with Expert Profile Magazine and Executive Contributor to Brainz Magazine.

Joyce Benning

Hello to all! I am a born, bred & raised country girl! Passion is caring for animals with a natural approach along with inspiring women to live a Robust Lifestyle! Dogs & horses have always been a huge part of my life. They have taught me so much about living a full life! My red heeler dog Groucho, whom is my Best Buddy has taught me to never give up and live with Faith not Fear! Their love for you is by the kindness and love you have in your heart. Enjoy inspiring women to love themselves for who they are as each one is created unique. Motivate women to realize their true given talents and not compare themselves to others. Empower women to share their talents to make the world a better place for all!