Books for Bedtime
Books For Bedtime started as an idea in July, 2014. Meagan, 11 years old at the time, wanted to help others. Meagan has been volunteering since she was young, starting with donating to Toys For Tots when she was barely walking! With the support of her mom and grandparents, Meagan had the concept, name and mission within a few hours!
That, of course, was the easy part. With the support of her grandparents, who completed the paperwork and paid for the licenses, Books For Bedtime became a licensed non-profit in Ohio on August 20, 2014.
While we thought that the biggest concern with Books For Bedtime succeeding would be obtaining books, that was not the case. Books from Bexley started pouring in, and within a few short months Books For Bedtime had received books from Michigan, Texas, Pennsylvania, and other states!
While Meagan had originally hoped for 500 books by the end of the first year, she had received over 5,000 books within about 8 months. At this point, it was decided that Books For Bedtime should attempt 501 c 3 status. In May, 2015, Books For Bedtime received 501 c3 status!