Episode 894 with Guest Lorie Murphey
Hello, my name is Lorie Murphey. I was born into a large family in Oregon . I’m number 8 of 9. I grew up camping, hunting and fishing with my family. I love the outdoors and especially being in the mountains. I have one amazing daughter and a crazy love for Jesus and horses.
Episode 893 with Host Dawn Lloyd
I’m Dawn Lloyd, a Power Coach who guides women around the world to tap into their power within. I help them understand that every passion, whether dormant or alive, can create endless opportunities. After healing from decades of living with violence I was able to turn it into a gift. My unique process helps my clients bring their best version to the surface as they move beyond their perceived limits and become empowered to create the life of their dreams. My mission is to support women in getting visible and sharing their message on a global scale. I do that through my show about Angels that is coming soon. In…
Episode 892 with Guest Coach Vuyanzi
Coach Vuyanzi is a Transformational Life Caoch, TEDx Spreaker, Keynotes and Motivational Speaker who support individuals across the globe. Helping them show up powerfully, connect to their purpose, lead effectively and achieve their desires.
Episode 891 with Hosts Peggy & Kate Neligan
We Are A Mother/Daughter Team whose goal is to share metaphysical wisdom in order to help our listeners raise their spiritual consciousness. For us, Metaphysical Mastery means not only hearing about the ancient wisdom teachings but applying them to daily life. There is so much ageless knowledge, information, that is a foundation for understanding who we are today and where we are headed as a species. But it is how we use it in our everyday human life that matters. Connect With Peggy Connect With Kate
Episode 890 with Guests Sally Green & Kathy Shelor
Book Description: Far too often when people refer to courage, they are speaking strictly of dramatic displays of courage such as rushing into a burning building to rescue a child. We tend to minimize the courage that is required to get through major challenges and transitions in life. The courage it takes to stand alone and stick to your morals, especially in the face of opposition, requires enormous strength! Protecting our family and setting boundaries to protect ourselves also needs to be acknowledged as courageous. My intention with this book is to both inspire you to embrace courage in your own life, and to remind you not to minimize the…
Episode 889 with Guests Cathy Derksen, Tina Moreau-Jones & Teaira Turner
Book Description: Far too often when people refer to courage, they are speaking strictly of dramatic displays of courage such as rushing into a burning building to rescue a child. We tend to minimize the courage that is required to get through major challenges and transitions in life. The courage it takes to stand alone and stick to your morals, especially in the face of opposition, requires enormous strength! Protecting our family and setting boundaries to protect ourselves also needs to be acknowledged as courageous. My intention with this book is to both inspire you to embrace courage in your own life, and to remind you not to minimize the…
Episode 888 with Guests Helena Wall, Tamara Frasier & Eric Sharp
Book Description: Far too often when people refer to courage, they are speaking strictly of dramatic displays of courage such as rushing into a burning building to rescue a child. We tend to minimize the courage that is required to get through major challenges and transitions in life. The courage it takes to stand alone and stick to your morals, especially in the face of opposition, requires enormous strength! Protecting our family and setting boundaries to protect ourselves also needs to be acknowledged as courageous. My intention with this book is to both inspire you to embrace courage in your own life, and to remind you not to minimize the…
Episode 887 with Guest Rhonda Armour
Real life and real coaching. Rhonda understands the demands on time, feeling torn between career and home life. Nutrition, exercise, and overall self-care, often fall last on a long list of priorities. She lived this life, but chose to make her own magic and share that to empower other people. Rhonda offers nutrition and lifestyle coaching that blends with your life. She creates an accountability system that works for the individual, developing specific techniques and queues that work just right for her clients. Rhonda wants to end that roller coaster of health, and the shout of internal voices that question your willpower, capability, and commitment from programs that simply haven’t…
Episode 886 with Guest Nancy Lee Gerson
With limited horse riding experience, and no formal equestrian training, native New York attorney, Nancy Lee Gerson, travelled to Colorado on a whim, to attend a women’s retreat with horses. She spent five days riding and communing with a special horse named Cherokee, who became the ambassador for Nancy’s life-changing, serendipitous journey, guided by interspecies connections and inspiring synchronicities. She is a contributing writer in Touched by a Horse Equine Coaching Stories, Volume 1, and a former student of twenty-three years at the School of Practical Philosophy in New York City. She is currently working on her next book!
Episode 885 with Guest Deb Matlock
Deb Matlock grew up in the mountains of Colorado and is deeply committed to nurturing the connection between people, animals, earth, and spirit. She has spent twenty-five years working as a professional environmental and humane educator and naturalist. Additionally, Deb offers shamanic- style spiritual guidance, animal communication, nature connection workshops, and retreats through her business, Wild Rhythms. She is passionate about helping people find connection and deep spiritual meaning in their lives and in the places where they live. Deb holds a Master of Arts in Environmental Education from Prescott College and is pursuing her doctoral degree in environmental studies at Antioch University New England.
Episode 884 with Guest Joanne Routhier
I was raised on a farm from the age of four and even at a young age I felt deeply connected to the openness, Mother Nature and of course animals. I didn’t start off then with a horse of my own, but through my Uncle Maurice’s insistence, “She needs a horse,” I received one shortly thereafter. It wasn’t until later in my life that I learned just how majestic horses really are. This pulled me into a journey to understand them more, which led me to taking an Equine Assisted Learning Certification course. In addition to that I began reading voraciously, going to horse barns, clinics and taking my own…