Episode 1021 with Guest Brad Roach
Brad Roach, DVM, CVA
Owner of Holistic Pet Care Center of Oklahoma
Dr. Roach takes the whole body, mind, and spirit of your pet into consideration when treating. He uses both conventional medicines and natural therapies. During his thirty years of researching and caring for animals he has developed a vast array of progressive diagnostic methods as well as treatments such as: essential oils, homeopathy, acupuncture, nutritional supplements, digitherm thermography, ozone, platelet therapy, and many more.
Dr. Roach’s approach to healing, is just that, allowing the animals body to heal from within.

Naomi McDonald
Over the years I came to understand that a constant and driving presence had always pushed me to change, grow, learn and look at myself with more honesty. That the loving presence of animals had brought companionship to a lonely girl, pushed me to find courage and do things I could never imagine, much less accomplish. Because of the love of horses, I became a horse trainer which soon revealed a person struggling with all relationships; human, financial, physical. The love of sheepherding and a Border Collie named Luke took me down the path of self-discovery. To become the person I wanted to be for the animals, I first had to know, and accept myself. Through my journey with Luke and the horses I was drawn to study shamanism, animal communication, meta and quantum physics, and much more. After Luke earned his angel wings, I felt a calling to share the story of this magnificent dog and my life as a trainer. This plunged me into unknown and to do something I never wanted to or thought I could do, I wrote the book Away To Me, My Love: A Sheepdog’s Tale Of Two Lives. Our story has helped countless others find courage and understanding within themselves.