Christina Spoletini

Episode 1179 with Guest Alka Bailey

Alka Bailey helps people beautify their homes/gardens by creating unique handpainted items on unusual surfaces. You can find her artwork on Alka’s Garden on Instagram or Facebook

Alka was asked to be in a craft show, but didn’t know what to paint to sell. Her oldest daughter stated that she should paint all the rocks that she had lying around(they were in her gardens). Well she painted a few and liked painting on them so much, that she became obsessed with painting on rocks.

She has painted stones the size of her thumbnail, the largest rock was more than 3 feet across.

Sometimes she sees a picture in the rock itself which she paints as quickly as possible. Others she paints the background and it can take up to 6 months to paint the rest of the picture.

She creates through her fingers what she envisions in her mind’s eye (third eye). Quite often she meditates prior to designing the piece, especially if it’s a commissioned piece.

The energies of the stone, or rock, or wood including her own energy which infuses the finished piece to bring joy and love.

She has started painting on raw wood slices or pieces of wood with watercolours and acrylic.

All  her pieces are sealed for indoor or outdoor use.

Alka’s Garden started in 2016, attending craft/vendor shows. She really enjoys showing my artwork at the shows.

Christina Spoletini

Success stylist Tina Spoletini combines her formidable fashion flair with personalized mentorship sessions on self-love and confidence-building, helping her clients feel fabulous, dressing in ensembles complimenting their various body shapes and sizes. Growing up as a plus-sized beauty, like many women who don’t “fit” in, Tina found herself at odds with society’s sizeist perspective on the female physical ideal. But, even though shopping in a world made for smaller women could be an exercise in futility and self-loathing, the right outfit that flattered her curves would always come through, erasing any self-destructive thoughts and making her feel gorgeous and revitalized. Tina quickly learned that she had to find her own way to stand out with distinctive accessories and touches of self-expression. Enhancing any outfit, no matter how casual, with eye-catching jewellery has become her signature look. Circumstances may have compromised her own self-esteem at times, but everything has come together to make Tina Spoletini even more determined to use her talents and training to help other women re-discover themselves and build the confidence they need to live the life they imagine. After all, chic comes in every shape!