Episode 446 with guest Tara Winsor
I learned not to take things for granted, to live in the moment and the importance of family and friends when I was at the age of 25 I had stroke in brain surgery loosing most of my memory even knowing how to read witch I lost decided that I wanted more of this life I was blessed with. I realized well going though this how stronger then I had ever imagined. I had the doctors I was only going to get maybe 80% mobility back. I disagreed and pushed forward so I could once again enjoy activities That i loved and still love to this day like the gym and sports.
I was a wife and a mom of two amazing kids at the time living my dream to have it crash down around me ending up as a single mom for many almost ten years dating on and off. About 2001 I had had a grand mal seizure leaving me on disability and a suspended drivers license. With two babies needing to feed. Finding Network Marketing that brought in a income that not only payed my bills but allowed me freedom.
Fast forward to today most of my dreams had come true from my two amazing kids…meeting my life partner at the age of 40 that haha was only living five min away from me. Can’t forget gaining a amazing step daughter that I love as my own. love helping people weather it is achieving a healthy lifestyle or just needing a friend. Life is amazing!!!!!