Episode 491 with guest Susan Isaac
My purpose grew from a lifetime of doubting my inner voice, while I frantically looked to others to flesh out a persona, and the fire in my belly was dying. After my third ‘burn out’ and 18 months of silence and recovery, I took my parched soul to my abandoned studio and asked the Goddess of fire ‘Pele’ to bring my creative spirit back into my life. After many late nights and shredded finger-tips my ‘wild woman’ reappeared. They both asked if I was willing to bleed from my soul even more than my finger-tips. I dropped to my knees and said, “Hell yes! Now what?” And butterflies came into my life as a symbol of transformation and design. My one-of-a-kind ‘You Can Fly’ butterfly designs celebrate how women transform their lives as they live their unique stories. I use a 6000-year-old glass technique to create powerful symbols of women’s stories reflected in my new Courage and Hope Collections and soon to be released Strength, Passion, Joy and Play Collections. Each collection provides an opportunity to gift a ‘Bit of Butterfly’ Bling pendant to a woman who needs uplifting, helping her to know women care about her journey and most importantly, she is not alone. Future one -of-a kind glass designs will be transformed into home décor, wall art, accessories, masks and journals, making it easier for more people to be reminded to celebrate how far they have come in life, stay inspired and brave. As for me, this new venture involves more bleeding from my soul and finger- tips. And I wouldn’t have it any other way!
Want a FREE Passion Spiral Notebook
The first three people who purchase ANY pendant from this website store https://susanisaacdesign.com/store they will receive a Passion spiral notebook, complimentary shipping for the notebook.
After purchasing a pendant email [email protected] to let her know you heard her interview on Divas That Care Network.