Meet Jenny

Jenny Powers is a bestselling author, a motivational speaker and a transformational life coach. She is the founder of The Empowered Woman and the creator of The Empowered Woman Experience. She is the author of EMPOWERED: The Woman’s Guide to Following Your Heart and an experienced ICF Certified Coach. She is the also the innovator and creator of 100 DAYS OF YOU, which is a 3-month transformational coaching program that is changing the world by awakening every woman to her best self. Jenny has spent much of her life traveling around the world, seeking to live the best life that she can live and fulfilling her passion for adventure, for new experiences and for following her heart. She is committed to inspiring women worldwide and to empowering every woman that she meets to live her best life, every single day.

The Mission of the “Empowered You” Podcast is to Empower Women everywhere to become their best selves. To awaken women to their own power so that they may live as the women that they are born to be. To free women from what they carry around as the caretakers of others so that they take the time to stop, breathe and reconnect to who they each are. To strengthen the relationship that women have with themselves so that they embrace their bodies, their hearts, their minds and their spirits, in everything they do. To build the tools that are necessary for women to be able to unleash the potential that is inside all of them so that they are each capable of doing amazing things. To grant women the space in this world where they can experience the freedom to feel, to express, to let it all out and to connect to their happiest selves. To honor and celebrate the brilliance, the passion, the fire and the joy of women, everywhere. To create the place on this Earth where extraordinary transformation happens so that every woman is empowered to live her best life.
“As the host of the “Empowered You” Podcast, every single piece of content I create is something that I believe empowers all of us.
My brand, as the founder of The Empowered Woman and as the host of the Empowered You, is connected to Honestly, Integrity, Authen
My global mission is to awaken every woman in the world to her best self and empower her to live her happiest life. “

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